“ SCALE UP ! How you can Scale up you’r E-commerce website??? ”

As the world changes, people's means of doing business changes as well. When the internet became publicly available, enterprising business owners seized the opportunities offered by an electronically-connected world. It was a slow start, but today, eCommerce has grown to a multi-billion-dollar business model comprising all types of industries.


The following metrics are just a few of the most important for measuring eCommerce success, but ultimately what KPI matter most is unique to each business.

  • Revenue (organic, paid, direct, social, referral)
  • Quantity of transactions
  • Average order value
  • Traffic (organic, direct, social, referral)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Audience Engagement (email blasts, bounce rate on organic landing pages, etc.)
  • Cart Abandonment Rate
  • Traffic Gains (organic, paid, referral, etc.)

If you already have an eCommerce website or plan to soon, you should have a plan to drive traffic to the website.

  • SEO: Search engine optimization is the process of improving your website's ability to rank in search engines for keywords related to your business.
  • PPC / Paid Advertising: Paid traffic is another excellent method to drive traffic to your site. Paid traffic can be purchased from search engines, other websites, social media outlets, etc. The most popular paid traffic source is Google Ads . which follows an algorithmically-influenced auction model. If you're serious about PPC, we recommend leaving your PPC in our hands www.rjtexas.com or Call me (713)417 7472
  • Social Media: You can build brand awareness and leverage social media as an additional source of traffic to your website. Depending on your business, you may even be able to rely on social media traffic to drive a majority of your site's traffic. Some social media platforms make more sense than others depending on your industry. Your business should decide which make the most sense and focus most of your efforts on those channels. The big ones to consider are Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Google My Business.
  • Referral: Referral traffic, whether organic or paid, is an additional means of driving traffic. Network with authoritative voices (trade magazines, blogs, etc.) in your industry to find qualified referral traffic. Submitting coupon codes to the coupon aggregators can be a quick and easy way to drive some referral traffic to your site, but it may not be super-qualified.
  • Sales / Promotions: Online shoppers love taking advantage of special sales, promotions, coupon codes, etc. If you're a standard eCommerce retailer, your shoppers will practically expect some special discount, or at the very least the illusion of some added-value.



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